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Natel is Featured in the WPTO's 2021-2022 Accomplishments Report for Three Different Projects
Natel is Featured in the WPTO's 2021-2022 Accomplishments Report for Three Different Projects

Natel Energy is featured in the Water Power Technology Office 2021-2022 Accomplishments Report for three different projects! Read more on pages 13, 16, and 17.

Juvenile Alewife Passage through a Compact Hydropower Turbine Designed to be Safe for Fish
Juvenile Alewife Passage through a Compact Hydropower Turbine Designed to be Safe for Fish

The results of the study demonstrate that the RHT is an effective way to pass juvenile alosines downstream at hydropower facilities.

Natel Wins Bronze in Clean Energy Company of 2022 and RHT is Finalist in Pioneer in New Technology at The Cleanie Awards®
Natel Wins Bronze in Clean Energy Company of 2022 and RHT is Finalist in Pioneer in New Technology at The Cleanie Awards®

The Cleanie Awards® announced that Natel won bronze in the 2022 Clean Energy Startup Company of the Year category. The RHT was also recognized as a Pioneer in New Technology finalist.

Natel's Restoration Hydro Turbine Receives MIA Seal of Excellence, Recognized as 2023 MERLIN Product of the Year Award Finalist
Natel's Restoration Hydro Turbine Receives MIA Seal of Excellence, Recognized as 2023 MERLIN Product of the Year Award Finalist

The RHT was a finalist this year at the MERLIN Innovation Awards, which recognize widely-applicable solutions for restoring the function or enabling the financial benefit of freshwater ecosystems.

The Restoration Hydro Turbine is a Reason to be Cheerful
The Restoration Hydro Turbine is a Reason to be Cheerful

CTO Abe Schneider talks to Reasons to be Cheerful's Eric Krebs about the RHT and how critical it is to make hydro retrofits fish-safe.

Grow Ensemble Interviews Gia About What's Possible with Hydropower
Grow Ensemble Interviews Gia About What's Possible with Hydropower

Gia chats with Grow Ensemble's Cory Ames about where hydro's going and Cory provides context on where it's been.

Natel featured on Ziroth YouTube Channel
Natel featured on Ziroth YouTube Channel

Ziroth talks about the Restoration Hydro Turbine and installing fish-safe hydro in the Democratic Republic of Congo with MyHydro.

Fish Inclusion for Hydropower: The River Institute's Science + Nature Series Hosts Natel
Fish Inclusion for Hydropower: The River Institute's Science + Nature Series Hosts Natel

Abe and Sterling explain how the RHT works, how we know it works, and where it's going. With special emphasis on eel safety and applications for the St. Lawrence River. Hosted by the River Institute.

CleanTechnica Dives into Natel's DRC Project with MyHydro
CleanTechnica Dives into Natel's DRC Project with MyHydro

CleanTechnica chats with MyHydro and looks at the impact that Natel's RHTs could have in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Natel Energy 2022 Year-End Newsletter
Natel Energy 2022 Year-End Newsletter

Read on for more details about progress we’ve made over the past several months!

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