Japan Energy Fund announced that it has invested in Natel Energy through its Decarbonized Tech Fund managed by Japan Energy Capital.
Listen to Gia Schneider's conversation with Lara Pierpoint on the Catalyst podcast about how to build more, and more sustainable hydropower.
Abe and Sterling explain how the FishSafe™ RHT can support hydroelectric power generation while also protecting freshwater diversity.
Listen to a short audio piece about Low Impact Hydropower, including discussion of the LIHI-certified Freedom Hydro Plant in Maine. Accompanying text conversation between Abe and Eric Krebs.
This article in French explains how Natel's FishSafe™ Restoration Hydro Turbine provides a solution for hydropower plants to coexist with migrating fish.
Sterling summarizes Natel's fish passage research and emphasizes how the RHT can positively impact fish inthe St. Croix and St. Lawrence watersheds.
French renewable energy news site Révolution Énergétique celebrates Natel's FishSafe™ designs as a way to "[avoid] transforming fish into rillettes."
International Water Power & Dam Construction magazine picked up the story about juvenile alewife, a kind of river herring, passing through Natel's Restoration Hydro Turbine.
StromLinie, an Austrian power magazine, writes about Energie Steiermark's next-incubator team and how they chose the RHT for their Sauerbrunn Hydro Plant.
A new study published in the North American Journal of Fisheries Management shows safe downstream passage of juvenile alewife (river herring) through Natel’s modern FishSafe hydro turbine.