Project Services

We work with asset owners to upgrade and manage existing hydropower resources to improve environmental performance with FishSafe™ turbine retrofits. We also work with project developers to support new FishSafe™ hydropower projects that make use of existing infrastructure by adding power to non-powered dams.

By applying FishSafe™ turbine designs and, when possible, our Restoration Hydro development philosophy, we support watershed health alongside energy production to provide distributed hydropower solutions that benefit communities as well as natural ecosystems.

Compass drawing tool.


We offer consulting services to develop site-specific plant designs for:

-Existing plants in need of functional or environmental upgrades
-Non-powered dam and weir retrofits
-Landowners with new, low-head hydropower potential
-Corporate offtakers working to decarbonize operations



We provide advice and assistance to ease and accelerate:

-Planning and design
-Reduced timelines & cost
-Enhanced environmental outcomes

Money lightbulb.


We leverage internal expertise and relationships with industry partners to:

-Originate capital
-Negotiate offtake agreements
-Manage transactions
-Minimize risks
-Apply for competitive award funding

Construction crane.

Sourcing & Construction

We work with our engineering team and OEM partners to support:

-Turbine design, manufacturing, and installation
-Construction project management
-Stakeholder engagement
-Grid connection


Operational Management

We maintain fleets through:

-Remote monitoring
-On the ground inspections
-Continuous production optimization
-Operator training
-Fish passage testing
-Responsive support

Case Study: Transforming Our Energy Landscape