Principal Engineer Sterling Watson profiled in Hydro Leader magazine

December 24, 2024

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Video: Monroe Fish Passage Testing

An overview of fish passage tests conducted with PNNL at our hydropower plant in Monroe, Oregon in the fall of 2020.


POWERHOUSE Opinion: Why Hydro is Key to the Energy Transition, Even in the Face of Drought

In the October issue of Powerhouse, Gia Schneider explains how recent data underscore hydropower's reliability, and how beavers can guide us in the low-carbon energy transition.


Natel's Restoration Hydro Turbine Receives MIA Seal of Excellence, Recognized as 2023 MERLIN Product of the Year Award Finalist

The RHT was a finalist this year at the MERLIN Innovation Awards, which recognize widely-applicable solutions for restoring the function or enabling the financial benefit of freshwater ecosystems.