POWERHOUSE Opinion: Three Ways Natural Infrastructure Can Support Natural Resiliance

September 7, 2021

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Natel wins Best in Energy Tech Award from Global Tech Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our FishSafe™ turbine designs have won the Best in Energy Tech Award from the Global Tech Awards!


US DOE Grants Natel $1.3M to Lead Sustainable Hydropower Education and Community Engagement Project in Minnesota

The US Water Power Technologies Office selected Natel for $1.3M in funding to educate the public about hydropower, its relationship with freshwater ecology, and its benefit to a renewable grid. 


Natel Adds 80MW of Renewable Power to Louisiana's Red River

The company will install up to 90 of its Restoration Hydro Turbines at three non-powered dams

ALAMEDA, Calif. — Sept. 28, 2021 Natel Energy, a supplier of sustainable hydropower solutions, announced today it will develop, finance and construct three non-powered dam sites along Louisiana’s Red River in partnership with Nelson Energy, a Minneapolis-based firm that has successfully developed and licensed over $250 million of hydroelectric projects in the U.S. With Nelson Energy as an advisory partner, Natel will install between 60 and 90 of its flagship product, the Restoration Hydro Turbine (RHT), to retrofit three existing dams and add 80 MW of renewable power to the grid — enough energy to power 35,960 average US homes each year.