Hydro Leader Magazine interviews Gia Schneider about Natel and FishSafe™ designs

October 30, 2023

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Natel co-founder Gia Schneider confirmed as IHA Board Member

Natel Energy and the International Hydropower Association (IHA) announce the confirmation of Gia Schneider, CEO and co-founder of Natel Energy, to its Board of Directors for the remainder of the 2023-25 term.


Natel featured on Ziroth YouTube Channel

Ziroth talks about the Restoration Hydro Turbine and installing fish-safe hydro in the Democratic Republic of Congo with MyHydro.


Italian site Mezzopieno News touts RHT designs as world-changing good news

Mezzopieno News, the so-called Italian Network of Positivity, writes about the FishSafe Restoration Hydro Turbine as "Good News That Changes the World."