Bloomberg on Natel's Collaboration with MyHydro to Bring Sustainable Hydro to Africa

August 2, 2022

MyHydro has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Congolese government to develop 36 small hydro projects in a country where only about 10% of its 100 million people have access to electricity. The plants will use turbines made by Natel Energy, which have blunted blades that leave almost all the fish that pass through the turbines unharmed.

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How big can a fish be and still pass through the Restoration Hydro Turbine (RHT) safely? Pretty big!


Natel Energy Q1 2020 Newsletter

Freedom Falls RHT is installed and operational, fish passage testing is ongoing, Natel received a DOE grant to research Restoration Hydro, and Upstream Tech launched HydroForecast.


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